Who are we
The address of our site is: https://elisiario.com
Which personal data are gathered andsince they are gathered
When the visitors leave comments in thesite, the present data are guarded in theform of the comments, as well as theaddress of IP and the agent of the user ofthe navigator, to help with the detection ofspam.
An anonymous string created from hisaddress of email (also designated forhash) can be sent for the service Gravatarto check if it is using it. The politics ofprivacy of the service Gravatar is availablehere: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After his comment to be approved, thephotography of the being profile is visiblefor the public in the context of hiscomment.
While loading images for the site, it mustavoid to load images with incorporateddata of geolocalização (EXIF GPS). Thevisitors can unload and extract the data ofgeolocalização of the images of the site.
Contact forms
If it leaves a comment in our site it can optto guard his name, address of email andsite in cookies. This is for his convenienceit would not to fill out again his data whenit leaves another comment. These cookieswill last a year.
If it has a count and to initiate session intothis site, a temporary cookie will beshaped to determine if his navigatoraccepts cookies. This cookie does notcontain personal data and it will beremoved while closing his navigator.
While beginning the session, some cookieswill be shaped to guard his information ofsession and his choices of visualization ofecrã. The cookies of beginning of sessionlast a year. If to Remember” will beselected “, his session will be going topersist during two weeks. While finishingthe session, the cookies of beginning ofsession will be moved.
It if are published or it will publish anarticle, will be guarded in his navigator anadditional cookie. This cookie does notinclude personal data it hardly indicatesthe ID of content of the article that it hadjust published. It dies to the end of 1 day.
Incorporated content of other sites
The articles in this site can includeincorporated content (for example: videos, images, articles, etc. ). Theincorporated content of other sites isheld such as if the user was visitingthese sites.
This site can gather data on itself, use cookies, incorporate I track done for third, to monitor his interactions with the samething, including to register the interactionswith incorporated content will have been acount and will be with session initiatedinto this site.
Analytical data
With whom are his data shared
By how much time are his data kept
If a comment is left, the comment and hismetadados are guarded indefinitely. Thishappens in way being possible torecognize and approving automatically ofany next comments, instead of puttingthem in a moderation line.
For users who are registered in our site (ifany), we guard the personal informationsupplied in his user’s profile. All the userscan see, publish, or remove his personalinformation to any moment (with theexception of not being able to alter theuser’s name). The administrators of thesite can see also and publish thisinformation.
Which rights it has on his data
If it has a count in this site, or it leftcomments, it can ask to receive a file ofexport with the personal data guarded onthemselves, including any personal factthat it indicated. Also it can ask that theguarded data are removed. This does notinclude any personal fact that iscompulsory to maintain for administrative, legal aims or of security.
For where are his data sent
The comments of the visitors can bechecked through an automatic detectionservice of spam.